
This is a collection of the videos I've created for and php[architect].

Saving Vagrant States Using Snapshots

Enumerations(Enums) in PHP 8.1

New Features in PHP 8.1

Working With Passwords in PHP 8

5 Things Every Developer Needs To Know About Passwords

What is Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption?

What is Encryption and Decryption?

Test-Driven Development with PHPUnit

Introduction to PHPUnit

What is Test-Driven Development?

What Does It Mean To Keep Our Code DRY?

Truthy and Falsy in PHP

Displaying Our Vagrant VMs User Interface

Always Use Type Declarations For Function Parameters and Return Values in PHP

Customizing the Amount Of RAM in Our Vagrant VMs

Better Know an Acronym What is LAMP/MAMP/WAMP?